
Player registrations reminder

Player registrations reminder

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Player registration forms for the new 2013/14 season are in production and will be available soon for dispatch to all member clubs.

These have changed significantly from previous seasons so please do not send registrations on old forms. The form will also be available on this website on the Downloads page in due course free of charge.

Please note the following changes to the registration system as agreed by the full council at the AGM:

  1. Registrations will be charged at the usual cost but will be invoiced annually at the closure of the registration window instead of the current "pay-as-you-go" format.
  2. Each team must have a minimum of 11 players registered by 1st September - this can either be registrations upon the "Multi Registration Form" or from single registration forms.
  3. The registration deadline each week remains as midnight Saturday.
    Remember that you must be in receipt of confirmation of registration before any player can participate in fixtures except for in the case of 'late' registrations where time does not allow. 
  4. It remains the responsibility of clubs to be aware of the eligibility of their players and to retain records of appearances as per League rules.
  5. Registrations will be processed by the League onto a web-based system and visible to all member clubs through the website.
  6. The deadline for all registrations and transfers this season is 28th February 2014.
Further instruction will follow in regards to the result reporting process to be used.

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